Previously Marked NSN List

Camcode Global has marked over three million assets in 15 countries. Search our database to see if an approved marking specification exists for your asset type. Once you locate your asset, click the National Stock Number (NSN) link to register data or order labels.

If you cannot locate your NSN, ask us to create a new marking specification for your asset class (required to generate compliant UII data and UID labels).

NSN List

UID Compliance Process:

UID Compliance Process
Anticipate 2-3 weeks to receive labels for an approved specification. Anticipate 3-4 weeks to create & gain approval for a new specification and an additional 2-3 weeks to receive labels.

Why Choose Camcode Global for UID Compliance?

Why Choose Camcode Global for UID Compliance?

Camcode Global has marked over 3M assets across 1,000 NSNs in 15 countries.  We hold the enabling contracts for UID implementation for NATO, the UK MoD and the Australian Defence Force. Through our experience, Camcode Global has developed an ISO 9001 certified UID Program Management System that ensures UII uniquess and mark compliance with any UID standard.

Our System can be utilized by contractors, military organizations non-military organizations looking to implement or comply with any UID program. Engage Camcode Global for all or part of your UID needs:

Why Choose Camcode Global for UID Compliance?

The value of UID extends well beyond the regulations. UID enables compliance with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). UID also enables warfighter readiness and safety by giving the sailor, soldier and airman/women access to asset-specific data such as location, ownership, repair history, maintenance instructions and significantly establishes a common data key (i.e. the UII) for information systems to collect, manage and share data related to that serialized asset enabling many more benefits. To leverage this value from your investment in UID, consider implementing asset management application such as AssetFactor.